Hand On Heart
The aim of "Hand on Heart" is to leverage immersive VR technology to create a unique, hand-tracking-based gaming experience that not only entertains but also educates. This experimental project, developed using Unity and Oculus Interaction SDK, aims to showcase the potential of VR in learning and performing everyday activities, particularly focusing on the meaningful integration of sign language into gameplay. By using hands as controllers, the game seeks to provide a more natural and intuitive interaction, enhancing the overall immersion and user engagement.
Level 1: Find the Hidden Key Code
In a bedroom setting, players tackle homework involving planets. Using pinch and swipe gestures, they resize and recolor planets, making learning fun and interactive. This level emphasises precision and creativity.
In this introductory level, players use their hands to interact with their surroundings and find clues to unlock a secret door code. This level familiarizes players with the VR environment and basic hand gestures.

Level 2: Home Work
Equipped with finger guns, players engage in an exciting battle against imaginary monsters. They use their fingers to aim and shoot, honing their reflexes and coordination. This action-packed level brings a sense of adventure and excitement.
Level 3: Battle Imaginary Monsters
In a household environment, players help their mom by tossing crumpled paper into a bin using a simple poke gesture. This level introduces everyday tasks in a playful manner, promoting responsibility and dexterity.
Level 4: Aid Your Mom's Cleanup
Level 5: Express Love Through Sign Language
In the final and most meaningful challenge, players express love to their mom using sign language. This level focuses on teaching and practicing sign language, highlighting the educational potential of VR while fostering emotional connections.

"Hand on Heart" successfully demonstrated the innovative use of hand-tracking in VR, offering players a distinct and engaging experience across five diverse levels. The game received positive feedback for its intuitive controls and creative challenges, highlighting the potential of VR for both entertainment and educational purposes. Notably, players appreciated the final level's focus on learning and using sign language, showcasing VR's capability as a tool for practical learning. The project not only entertained users but also fostered an appreciation for immersive technology's role in everyday activities and educational applications.